Safari Savvy
Everyone does it - safari I mean.
Safari means journey - originally from the Arabic
safar - and todays modern safari allows you to
photograph and view big game and other wild wildlife.
A safari conjures up visions of khaki clad game rangers -
well versed in the ways of the bush as well as its
flora and fauna.
Besides being men of great knowledge of the wild they
are also experts at mixing a mean g & t.
As the day breaks you wake up to coffee and rusk
(a traditional morning pre breakfast snack) before
wrapping up warmly and climbing on board the
game viewing vehicle.
Have you ever done a game drive and you know the
ellies are in the vicinity because you have seen
and smelt their fresh droppings - but they remain
invisible to you.
16 out of 24 hours a day is spent collecting food - so
chances are pretty good that you could hear them
before you see them.
Botswana has a lot of elephants - tens of thousands in fact.
The Chobe elephant forms part of what is thought to
be the largest surviving continuous population of
During the dry season they will stay around the Chobe and
Linyanti rivers dispersing with the onset of the rains.